Here are few reasons why students choose Poly Diploma over Degree:
June 8, 2023
എഞ്ചിനീയർ ആകാൻ ഒരു എളുപ്പവഴി
June 28, 2023
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Poly diploma course are the best option for after completing the SSLC or 10th level education and its duration is 3 year. Lateral entry in Poly diploma means the admission will be directly in the 2 year or 3rd semester of the Poly diploma course you have chosen. You do not have to take admission in 1st year or 1st semester you will get direct admission to 2nd year or 3rd semester of any Poly diploma course.The best job oriented Ploy diploma courses are:

Diploma in Mechanical
Diploma in Civil
Diploma in Automobile
Diploma in Electrical
Diploma in Electronics
Diploma in Marine Mechanic
Diploma in Industrial Instrumentation

The Poly diploma (Lateral Entry) is a technical qualification below the undergraduate level which aims to provide students with the basic, hands-on knowledge of engineering, scientific, computing, mathematical techniques, English communication and ability to apply the basic problem solving techniques. Its duration is 2 years or 4 semesters. The qualification is plus two in science stream with chemistry, physics and mathematics or ITI (NCVT) 2 year in any trade. After successful completion of  Poly diploma course, students can either continue further Engineering studies in graduate level (Btech /BE) in India and Abroad or get employed as supervisors, foremen, workshop technicians, draughtsman, service station managers, auto engineers, agricultural overseers, farm managers, junior instructors, workshop superintendents etc.for more:

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